Training – Process Improvement


Process Improvement/Lean Training Sessions




Process Improvement/Lean Essentials

The one (1) day Process Improvement/Lean Essentials Session provides participants with an introduction and a basic understanding of Lean concepts and principles, and how they can be implemented both in manufacturing and in service environments. Proven Process Improvement/Lean tools and techniques will be discussed along with with how to apply them in different situations. Brainstorming sessions on how to first identify waste and then properly remove it, along with a workshop simulation for demonstrating the difference between batch & queue and continuous flow, will be used to reinforce learning of the Process Improvement/Lean principles.



Process/Value Stream Mapping

The one (1) day Process/Value Stream Mapping Session is where you will learn the tools and techniques for mapping your existing business processes using a proven approach. This will help you identify any waste in your business activities and support your process improvement initiatives, as well as providing a roadmap for where to begin. An actual mapping exercise is included as part of the session content which allows participants to gain hands-on experience in using the tools presented.



The Basics of 5-S

The one (1) day Basics of 5-S Session covers the essentials of a 5-S system (Sort, Set-in-Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain). Focus will be on the difference in workplace appearance and functionality before and after the 5S process has been applied. Participants will learn how to conduct an audit of their workplace organization and how to apply the concepts of sort, set-in order and shine, and then how to standardize this activity and maintain it over the long term. Participants will learn how the 5-S system reduces waste and improves productivity and quality.



Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action Systems

The one (1) day Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action Systems Session is where you will have practical hands on exercises using actual examples from your organization, which is the core content of this session. Various tools and techniques are presented and applied.  Corrective and Preventive Action systems are presented and discussed.  Templates are provided and workshops use actual data from your organization.



Rapid Process Improvement (Kaizen Event)

The one (1) day Rapid Process Improvement (Kaizen Event) Session discusses how Kaizen events are the vehicle for implementing process improvement/lean tools and concepts. Kaizen events are well-defined, focused improvement efforts that utilize a team-based approach to eliminating wastes. This session is designed to teach a standard kaizen process that can be used for implementing process improvement/lean tools, such as quick changeover, 5-S, and TPM. Participants will learn to facilitate a 3 to 5 day Kaizen event, including preparation, observation, waste identification, goal setting, brainstorming improvements, measuring results, preparing and presenting results to management.



Mistake Proofing

The one (1) day Mistake Proofing Session provides a basic understanding of this topic and includes the fundamental principles of mistake proofing, common examples (including those already implemented at your facility), different device types and methods/tools available. The focus will be on how to make inexpensive changes to your production systems which can virtually eliminate errors, mistakes, and increase quality and customer satisfaction. Participants will become familiar with how to use these techniques to reduce costs and improve quality.



Pull/Kanban Systems

The one (1) day Pull/Kanban Systems Session covers an introduction to this topic where participants will become familiar with a structured methodology for implementing Pull/Kanban Systems. Focus will be on how to set-up point-of-use material storage, interface pull systems with existing planning systems, and set lot sizes based on capacity, not economic order quantity theory. Participants will observe the benefits of implementing Pull/Kanban systems, which include: simplified processes, fewer stock-outs, less inventory, lower space requirements, higher productivity and greater flexibility in a specific area of the business.



Set-up Reduction/Quick Changeover

The one (1) day Set-up Reduction/Quick Changeover Session is an introduction to this broad topic where participants will become familiar with the fundamental principles of set-up reduction, and includes discussion on reasons and barriers to reducing set-up time. The session focuses on the principles first expressed by Dr. Shigeo Shingo and his work on Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED). Participants are familiarized with the standard methodology in applying SMED to any type of set-up. The techniques covered demonstrate how to reduce changeover time from hours to minutes and even seconds. Participants will learn the benefits of implementing Set-up Reduction/Quick Changeover, which include: shorter lead time, less material, fewer defects and less inventory.



TPM – Total Productive Maintenance

The one (1) day TPM – Total Productive Maintenance Session is an introduction to TPM which goes far beyond traditional maintenance boundaries to attack equipment related waste, including: downtime, speed losses, defects, constant adjustments, and breakdowns. This session will cover methods to proactively maintain machines and equipment at their peak productivity. Participants will gain an understanding of TPM and its major components, including how to measure and increase overall equipment effectiveness and how TPM can help avoid interruptions to production.