ISO 9001:2015 – Newsletter – Issue 85



Issue 85 – “Management Review”, is there a better way to handle it?


ISO 9001:2015…

“Management Review”, is there a better way to handle it?


I appreciate receiving emails with questions and/or comments from readers of this Newsletter… please continue to do so since it provides me with direction on where to aim the content of these publications.  In my last Newsletter (ISO 9001:2015 Newsletter Issue 84) we discussed the topic of  “Risk, what’s the big deal?”, and now in this Newsletter we will discuss “Management Review, is there a better way to handle it?“.


The ISO 9001 Element numbering…

Element 4 – Context of the organization
Element 5 – Leadership
Element 6 – Planning
Element 7 – Support
Element 8 – Operation
Element 9 – Performance evaluation
Element 10 – Improvement


Clause 9.3  Management Review consists of three (3) Sub-Clauses as listed below:

9.3.1  General

9.3.2  Management Review Inputs

9.3.3  Management Review Outputs


If you just want to do the minimum, then simply have one (1) Management Review meeting, once per year, making sure your agenda topics cover 9.3.2 a) to f), and then have a list of at least three (3) actions going forward that handle 9.3.3 a) to c).  Oh and make sure that you have a quorum of top management people attend it.  This approach will get you a check-mark on the Auditors list but most probably will be seen as very ineffective and inefficient by the attendees, even if you manage to get it all done in a couple of hours.

My approach is always to see if how you actually run your business would satisfy the requirements in ISO 9001, and I’d suggest that 80% of the time it does because if you’ve managed to stay in business longer than a year, then you’ve likely found a way to deliver consistent Quality to your Customers… and that’s really the end goal of ISO 9001.  Let’s start with the “intent” of Management Review.  In order to run a successful business you need to develop a good Plan and then execute it successfully.  You won’t know if your Plan was good or if it was implemented effectively unless you track your progress along the way.  That’s really all this section is asking companies to do.

Start by looking at what you currently do to manage your business on a day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month, year-to-year basis.  Make a list of all those “activities” you use to run the business.  Now compare your list against all of the items stated in 9.3.2 a) to f) [meeting inputs].  See which “activities” in fact address each of them.  In some cases you’ll find that two different “activities” cover the same ISO 9001 requirement.  In other instances you may find that you have no “activities” that address an item.

Use your results from this comparison as input into your Management Review Meeting (annual or quarterly).  Prepare a summary of the business results covering the time period from the last Management Review Meeting.  Have the group of Managers discuss whether the “activities” they use to run the business, fully addresses each item within 9.3.2 a) to f).  Make meeting notes summarizing their discussions.  For those items that had blanks or no existing “activities” then engage the group to address it during this meeting.

Repeat the same approach for the three items listed in 9.3.3 a) to c) [meeting outputs].  Again existing “activities” may have already taken actions in these areas, in which case make a note in the minutes to that effect.  If there is a blank, then have the Managers identify what decisions or actions should be taken to address it.  Conducting meetings in this way should make your management team even more effective in how they run the business.

NOTE:  Even if you have four (4) Management Review Meetings each year, you still only have to show evidence that each item in 9.3.2 (a to f) was discussed at least ONCE sometime during ONE of those 4 meetings, and that you have at least ONE action item for each of 9.3.3 a) to c), over a 12 month period.

Something you should keep in mind… a key benefit of a once a quarter, or once a year, Management Review Meeting allows top management to take the “long” view of the running of their business (if they don’t do this already in Strategic Planning sessions).  This is important because all too often Managers have their head down trying to handle all the daily demands and they never get a chance to poke their head up above the weeds to double check what direction they are going in.  Reviewing business results over multiple months can give a Manager a better perspective of what’s happening, and where action is needed.

Taking the “meeting” approach described above will allow the management team to pause and take a look at the big picture, spending more time talking about the important parts of their business, and less time repeating previous meeting discussions, as well as less time re-hashing of topics that have already been discussed.  I can’t promise you a shorter Management Review Meeting but it will definitely feel more productive for the participants.


Be sure to watch for our next Newsletter issue where I will be answering some of the questions that I get from Readers of my Newsletters about how to implement the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 in a specific and practical way, that will also help improve business performance…


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Need Help?

ISO 9001:2015 Internal Audit Outsourcing (we can do it for you OR with you!)

For cost effectiveness, the Internal Audit function can be outsourced to an external experienced auditor on a periodic basis. This will provide an independent and objective assessment to management, of where process issues may exist, along with identifying opportunities for improvement.  It will also provide the evidence needed to satisfy the Internal Audit requirements in the ISO Standards.  We have used two different approaches with this service: a) We conduct the entire audit ourselves, or b) We act as the lead auditor, and along with your Team of internal auditors, we complete the entire audit together.  This latter approach allows your people to receive guidance and direction from an experienced lead auditor while at the same time maintaining significant involvement in the internal audit process.


Internal Process Auditor Training for ISO 9001:2015

The two (2) day Internal Process Auditing for ISO 9001:2015 Training Session is focused on a process approach to auditing with the objective being not only to assess conformance of the quality management system, but also to uncover process improvements during an audit. This goes hand in hand with the process auditing requirements found within ISO 19011 and the process approach covered in ISO 9001:2015, which promotes continual process improvement throughout this Standard. An enhanced checklist is developed, and there will be workshops throughout, to reinforce learning, as well as a live, practice audit. If you are looking to meet the ISO 9001:2015 internal audit requirements and to “raise the bar” for your internal audit program then this is the course you should consider.



Until next time…

Tim Renaud

Helping Business Professionals Reduce Risk and Remove Waste!